Friday, November 7, 2008

Today has been a good day. Even though the appt didnt go as I would have liked yesterday. I do feel it is at least a step forward in the right direction. Claire and I went to story time at the library which she loves! I love to see her get up and dance and participate and do all the motions just like all the other kiddos.
I decided not to go to the concert tonight. Just not feeling like being around a large crowd of people. We are meeting some friends for dinner instead, so that will be nice. Not alot planned for the weekend but rest!
Hope everyone has a good one!


Unknown said...

Prayer chains going across the UP too my sister dear. I know things are overwelming right now so don't forget all of us that love you. And remember I will be there in a heart beat if you need me. Hug that "little " brother of mine and give my little Claire Bear hugs and kisses from her crazy auntie Denise
Talk to you seen and keep those chins up

Beth Schultz said...

Just a reminder for all us about your appt and every step throughout this journey-God is in control! We, as humans, want things how we want them and we want them now. We always get reminded that life doesn't work that way. And really, thank God that is the case. We learn much more by not always getting our way (try to tell teenagers that!)
Keep hanging in there!
We are all here if you need anything!

Amy xoxo said...

You are in my heart and prayers as always. Remember gerth's only produce strong women, and you are definately one. You will suceed in beating this cancer. We believe in you!