Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Afternoon! I spoke with the surgeon's assistant today and have a scheduled date for my biopsy. Apparently they don't call, they just send out paperwork and assume the date is fine. Of course, any date was fine with me.

I go in on December 9th. I have to be at the hospital at 12:30 and the surgery will be at 2:00. It is scheduled to last 2 hours. I will have to stay overnight for observation. Not liking the thought of that, but hey, it is not up to me and I cannot complain because I have been waiting for this. Hopefully the lapriscopic will work, otherwise I will have to stay in the hospital longer. That day is also my good friend Diane's birthday. I will offer that day up for her!"It is a great day to be born!"(tee-hee Di!)

I will have a chest x-ray and blood work done in Seymour before I go. I am already nervous and thinking about how hard it will be to leave Claire overnight. Somehow I don't think Dennis is going to let me spend the night alone.

Thank you once again for your prayers and cards, etc... I know how busy we are all, esp this time of year and I know how life happens. So thank you for taking the time to continue to pray for my family and know that you are all in my prayers as well!

Go out and enjoy your weekend and don't forget to tell someone close to you that you love them!

1 comment:

cfalkner said...

Just remember that I am praying that all goes well. Love, Sr. Carol