Monday, November 17, 2008

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing weekend. I did get my hair cut short again. It is just easier to take care of this way. We took Claire to the refuge for photos yesterday. I cannot wait to see them. While it was a bit chilly, she was a great trooper and did well.

Today she was evaluated for services at school. The school pyschologist, the physical therapist, the speech therapist and the teacher were there. The occupational therapist was out sick. I certainly hope this has no effect on her percentage of OT that she will receive. The speech therapist commented that it was nice to see that we did not coddle her and we let her explore and have a mind of her own. I told her I always expect more than she is probably capable of doing. They said she has a drive to learn and be independent. Amen to that! Too much sometimes! We meet again in December to discuss her IEP(individual education plan).

Praying I hear from the surgeon this week to set up a time for a biopsy. There is a billboard in Seymour as you are going West on 50. It is right past CVS to your right. It shows an African-American woman, and it says, "I am powerful." I do not even know what the board is advertising, but looking at it, it is powerful. I love it. I always have to remember that "I am powerful." And not in the sense of wealth or materialistic things, but because I am a strong individual and that I know my God is there beside me through all of this. I am not naive. I know this is going to be a tough journey. I don't ever ask why? I never have with Claire either. I know for a fact that God chooses all of us to go through trials in our lives for a reason. That being said, I don't think I am ready to say Thank you for giving me cancer, but I know there is a reason and he chose me for whatever reason that is.


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