Sunday, November 29, 2009

We made it home from our week long journey up north. It was so good to spend time with family and friends. We actually only had rain showers one day. Not the U.P. I remember visiting this time of year!
It is good to be home! Dennis surprised me and had our carpet cleaned while we were gone. Believe me, this excited and thrilled me! The carpets look great too! It is just getting back into a routine again. Ugh! Reality! Ha!
We have a busy month with appointments and surgeries. I go get blood work done Friday and then Monday I have my CT scan. I don't see Dr O until the following Monday. This is going to drive me nuts! I may have my sister go with me to this visit because she is going to go over the CT scan results and I don't know if I want to be by myself! Beth did make me feel good though today. I had her check out an area around my collar bone. I thought it looked swollen. I was sure I was paranoid, but she just said it was my collar bone sticking out. One side is larger than the other. She told Dennis that before her scan results and scans, she was always worried too.
Claire goes to Riley next Tuesday for her eye appt. I am pretty sure the Dr will try and get her into glasses. He told us a one point she would need them anyway.
Somewhere in between I go see Dr Le again and then have my surgery on the 29th. I am hoping I will be up to attending our first support group "meet and greet" that my sister and I are apart of starting here in town.
Did some Christmas/birthday shopping for Claire this weekend. Ok, well Mark my brother in law went and got a vanity for us for Claire. The deal was too good to pass up! I had to order her Bitty baby from American Doll online. Our friends from Chicago had the flu this weekend, so they didn't get the chance to get our doll for us. I love online shopping! ha!
Blessings on your week!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today is Thanksgiving and I cannot even begin to count or name all the blessings I am thankful for. This is an emotional day as I am sure every year it will be that way.

I do have to admit that I had more than once questioned why I had gotten cancer. Anyone who has had it and been through treatment and has not questioned it, is a better human being than me. I was watching The Biggest Loser the other night. The program where they were going back and talking to former contestants. Then I had what they call an "aha" moment. I realized that God had given me cancer in order to realize that I need to be healthier and to take better care of myself. I lost 50 pounds during my illness. Now this is not the way I would wish for anyone to lose the weight, but I did. I now need to maintain my weight and a healthier lifestyle. I know I need to make better food choices in order to stay healthy. So I was given cancer which ironically in the end will make me healthier.

I hope everyone enjoys their day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My friend Robin reminds me when I need to update my blog! Thanks Robin!
This week we are in the U.P. of Michigan for Thanksgiving. It has been great seeing most of Dennis' family. His sister had to stay back in MO and work, but she is with us in spirit! We love and miss you Karen!
I haven't really been doing much lately. Trying to get my strength up and rest for my hernia repair surgery in December. Dr Le told me the other day that I would be down the month of February. I swear after that, the hurricane will be back! I am so ready to get things back to half way "normal." I want to be able to lift my baby when she needs me. Plus I am just sick of the hernia sticking out of my stomach! Doesn't do much for self image!
We stopped in Chicago on the way up here and stayed with some friends. We had some yummy Chicago style deep dish pizza. It was soooo good! We are probably stopping back through Saturday to spend that night. That only gives us 4 hours to travel then on Sunday. Nice to have such good friends! Thanks Ann and Jill!
I am getting anxious to get this scan done. Dennis had to remind me that things would be fine and that they wouldn't have stopped treatment if they thought things weren't better. Guess we will see! Please keep me in your prayers that things are well!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I cannot tell you how many blessings we have to be thankful for. This year is extra special.
Enjoy the day and the blessings it brings!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Hi Cynthia!!( I know you are reading this!)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather. It makes me long for spring again! I just wish I could start alot of my year over. I cannot wait for next summer already! I know I will be able to get out and play with Claire. We will be able to get a sandbox, swing set, all kinds of lawn ornaments! Ha! No, I doubt that happens. But it will be nice to be able to play outside with her.
Please pray for a family I know. She is 7 months pregnant and they just found out their little girl will have Down syndrome. This isn't the biggest issue. She has heart issues. So she will need surgery immediately I am sure after she is born. 50% of kiddos born with Ds have heart issues. There is really so much the medical community can do now days it is miraculous really. I guess my cousin (who is 41) was born with heart issues, but back then there wasn't alot they could do, or knew what to do. He is fine, but has had alot of issues to deal with regarding his heart. This family is awesome! I don't know the father, but I know the mother and she is the most awesome woman I know. And I don't think it is the Ds thing that bothers them, though they know there will be challenges involved with raising their special needs child, it is the unknown heart issues.
Also please pray for another woman in town that has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She began her chemo treatments yesterday. I sure hope they went well.
Looking forward to going out shopping Saturday. I am sure I will be resting every now and then. I need new clothes badly. But I am too cheap to buy too many clothes! I have gained 6 pounds and want to get those bad boys off! Ha!
Claire continues to amaze us daily. Today she was into calling me "mom!" I guess "Mary" will be next! Ha! She is too young to start that! ha!
Enjoy the rest of the week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our weekend was good. We really did not do a whole lot. Saturday we went trick or treating. Claire dressed up as a 50's/60's girl. She was so cute!
I am having a hard time dealing with my time before I get my scan in December. I don't know why I am so nervous! I guess I have no proof that I am in "remission." I try not to dwell on this, but sometimes it is hard not to. I am having a hard time dealing with the post treatment stuff sometimes. Once again it is a control issue. I know I can't live my life worrying all the time.
I also need to start watching my weight closely. I am 6 pounds over what I want to be. I told my friend that Dennis buys all the good candy. I walk past it and pop a "fun size" piece of candy in my mouth. What the hell is so fun about that? Ha! Especially when I get on the scales.
Looks like it is going to be a cool, but sunny week.
Blessing and peace!