Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today my heart is heavy. I just found out this morning that a friend of mine has invasive breast cancer. She found out Friday. She said the DR thought she would need both chemo and radiation. It is not that I feel sorry for her. She would kick my butt if I did. But having cancer, you can definitely say without a doubt you have 100 % empathy for them. It is just not something you want someone to go through. Especially when they need treatment. The good thing is, first and foremost, she has a great strong faith and knows our God is with her every step of the way. Through the good and the bad. He really is the perfect man! Think about it. When you get married you have vows you say to one another. He has fulfilled all of those vows since the day you were born.

She also has a huge fan base. And I mean HUGE! We all love you Jan! We will be with you hair or no hair Breast or no breast! I am serious! I always say it is about my health, not my hair!

So please lift Jan up in prayer as she begins a new journey in her life. One that will be amazing and one that will be hard.


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