Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I feel the need to blog after I have heard some comments about my head shaving party. Not necessarily bad comments. But here is the thing. For those of you that cannot come out and watch me get my head shaved, I totally understand. I know you support me and love me. I have no problem with that at all. In fact, I applaud your honesty.

I also feel that people are so associating this with a "bad thing." I have cancer, I am not dying. I will lose my hair and life goes on. If I was doing this for charity, as so many folks do, would the attitude be different? I would imagine it would.

My sister has been involved with Relay for Life for many, many years. She was talking to the survivors tonight and many had horror stories about how they lost their hair. One woman woke up in the middle of the night with hair in her mouth! This is the one and only thing I can control through this whole process. And if this is the only thing, I am doing it.

So for those that cannot imagine why I am doing this so publicly, I don't really care what you think! I don't owe you any explanation really. I just wanted those that are close to me and feel that emotionally they cannot handle it, to know I love them and think nothing of it.

1 comment:

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh hon. I think it is a great thing, to get it out of the way. I would do the same thing. Cause this way, YOU are the one in control of it!