Sunday, August 23, 2009

I just wanted to thank all of you again for all your support throughout this whole process. I don't think we say "thank you" enough. You have no idea how much a meal, a card, a pie :) has meant to us. Just a call(even though I HATE talking on the phone). I cannot emphasis enough how horrible this disease is and how if affects everyone involved. My family has been my biggest fans throughout all of this. And even though they tell me the time they spend with Claire has been my blessing to them because it is time they would have never spent with her, the guilt I feel sometimes is overwhelming. And of course the envy too. I am the one who should be caring for my daughter. I shouldn't need someone to help get her on and off of the bus. The flip side of that is once again, how would I do this journey without them? I remember watching a morning show. And I think it was Robin Roberts. She had breast cancer. And I remember her mom telling her, "Don't hog this journey." In other words, let people come along with you. Let them help you. You know me, I have always been forthright in every aspect of this disease. Today was a day I spent in bed. The reason I have had the strength to go to every chemo session and feel like crap for a week afterwards is because of my family. And to be honest, I don't know if I will ever get over the fear of my cancer coming back. Once you have it, the odds are not in your favor always. Especially with Lymphoma. It is the most curable and treatable cancer, yet it is the one that comes back too.
Oh, and a big thank you to the Sunburys. Thank you too Kathy for getting the new orthotics for Claire. I just have to light a fire under her now! No, seriously, I won't literally do that! Ha!
Sorry to post again in the same day. I just wanted to thank everyone again. I will never be able to say enough thank yous!

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