Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes, Claire's IEP went well. I feel the school is giving her the amount of therapies she needs. She really accomplished all her goals except her PT of course. Just have to find a way to give her that confidence to walk on her own. By then she will be running!
She will be going to "extended school" this summer for 5 weeks. I was hoping it was longer, but we will take 5 weeks! She will get her therapies then.
It is funny because she behaves so well as school. She does not throw things or hit. At home she does both! You can tell she is well taken care of at school and that makes mommy and daddy very happy. That being said, she is a pleaser and someone who really gets her feelings hurt easily so she is always aware of when someone is not happy and tries to comfort them. She has cuddled with me many a times when I needed it. Not enough of course! She is too independent for too much of that!
Treatment #5 is Wednesday and not looking forward to that. I am so over all of this. I am sorry I keep saying that, but I am. Going to basket bingo tomorrow night to support the sorority that has supported me so generously. Plus it is a night out and lots of fun!

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