Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yesterday I hit the wall. I woke up at midnight the night before and took one of my anti-queasy pills. At 7 that morning I had to run to the bathroom and get sick. Took another pill then. I have 2 separate pills I can take. One is a 12 hr pill and the other one is 6 hr pill. How I am suppose to remember what is what, who knows! My sister was gracious enough to watch Claire all day and most the night. I slept. So tired! Plus I have gotten a cold and that does not help. So I am sure I will be holing up most of the weekend.
We take Claire to Riley on Monday to talk about tubes. God love her, she is fighting with a cold too and a cough. But looks like her ear infection is cleared up.
Looks like we are planning the Head Shaving party for Thursday night. I know alot of people think it is crazy to shave my head before I lose my hair. Honestly, I don't want to wake up to clumps of hair on my pillow. I don't want to wash my hair and hand fulls of it come out. Everyone I have spoken to said 2 weeks is pretty much when they lost their hair. I just want to get it over with and have it be done.
Blessings and enjoy the weekend!

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