Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yesterday was quite the emotional day! Claire had her first day of preschool. She did really well. I cried of course once I got back in the truck. She just seems to young to be going! But the school is awesome and so are the teachers. I know in my heart she is in the right place.
The surgeon called me last night and told me what the pathology report read. They actually just finalized it. They are saying I have B-Cell lymphoma with features consistent to lymphocyte predominant lymphoma. My sister had this same cancer. Only 500 people a year get this! In fact, mine is such a mystery I think to IUmed., that they are sending it to Harvard to have them look at it and get their opinion. I told the surgeon that my sister and I could never do anything "normal." God love Dennis, he was bowling and called in an intervention team! My sister came over and so did Julie King. He just did not want me to be alone. Of course, sweet little Claire, she took my Kleenex and wiped my eyes for me. I was crying happy tears for finally getting the report(though still no answers really) and sad tears for the fear of the unknown.
I could be wrong, but in my heart of hearts I figure they are going to zap the hell out of me with chemo and radiation. I am sure this cancer is going to kick my butt before I kick it's butt! I will get the last say! Ha!
Please continue to keep our family in your prayers and know that yours are in mine as well.

1 comment:

Jan Gerth said...

You are much stronger than any cancer and YOU WILL BEAT THIS and be a much stonger person for have beat it! Just like Beth Ann. Like I said before, the Gerths only make strong women and when we get our fight up, there is no stopping us. You are in my prayers.