Friday, January 23, 2009

This week has been crappy to say the least. Claire still has her ear infection. We changed the antibiotics so hopefully that will help. She missed yesterday at school because I wanted to make sure her fever had broke. I hate her missing school because she misses her therapies then as well. But I realize in the scheme of things that her health is the most important thing. I can't wait to get to our Riley appt and talk about tubes.
Yesterday I felt like crap. It was just a crappy day all around. I am still having stomach issues. I am calling the surgeon today and see how long this is suppose to last. I can't eat, and then when I do eat, it usually comes back up! I am scared to be losing weight this fast. I know it is not healthy and I am not enjoying it either. I would rather be fat and healthy!
Last night I had a major meltdown. So for all of you that think this does not happen with me, believe me it does. I just figure no one likes to hear a whiner!
My sister and her fam watched Claire so that Dennis and I could meet some co-workers and ex co-workers for dinner. The whole time I was not feeling well. I came home and got sick. I just starting bawling. I told Dennis, I hate this cancer!" If it had not been for the cancer, I would not have had the surgery and I would not be feeling like crap! I just could not stop crying. I would have to say that this is the first time I really bawled like this in a long time. My sister brought Claire home and we talked. Ok, she talked and I cried more! And then we prayed together. This really calmed me down. I love the power of prayer! And for those that feel you don't know how to pray, it is easy really! I just feel like I am having a conversation with God all the time. And I feel him talking back to me in my heart. He does know our needs.
I just keep thinking of how he suffered on the cross for us.
I just try and stay positive even when I feel like crap. I know this can't last forever!
Have a wonderful blessed weekend!


dmanyooper said...

You know Claire and I love you from the bottom of our hearts and we are always here for you!

WheresMyAngels said...

I can't believe your still having issues with your stomach. That is awful, it doesn't sound right. Many prayers Mary, I'm sorry you have this going on with everything else.