Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend was pretty good. Friday night we went out to the Southern Indiana Center for the Arts (SICA). My brother Mike and his band played. We left Claire with our neighbors Preston's(thank you by the way) because we thought it would be too hot. I don't know if she would have sat very still anyway. But it was nice out and an enjoyable evening. I even went hatless! My hair is growing back and quite frankly, it was too hot for any kind of hat or scarf.
Friday was my last infusion day as well and boy was I a happy camper.
Saturday we went over to the high school and listened to the TOG band again. Sunday we went to mass and then out to Cracker Barrel for lunch. We all ended up coming home and taking long naps before going over to mom and dads for a visit.
Today I started back to chemo. There were some people I did know there getting treatments. I also had to get potassium through my IV because of it being so low. I would much rather get it this way then take those blasted horse pills! Yes, I am being a baby about it! It will be interesting to see when I start detoxing from chemo. I am thinking either Wednesday or Thursday I will be really tired and worn out. Who knows?
I did start reading "My sisters keepers" today. My sister and I are going to go see it this weekend when it comes out.
Enjoy your week and count your blessings!


Jan E. said...

Yes, so glad you got started back up with chemo. Glad you decided to join the ranks of hairless. I have three wigs and never wear them or hats (unless in the sun - then I wear baseball hat.) The guys at work kid me quite often, but hey I don't have to worry about my hair getting messy or it looking wet when it rains, there are some positive things. I think about you often and so happy to hear you are going up hill now. Love you.


Jan E. said...

Oh yes, I going on Wednesday and this is the last of the first 4 rounds. YES, YES, YES. I'm not sure how long before I start the weekly.

Take care and maybe I will see you the lounge.