Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today has been a blah day. I think it must be the weather. I am so anxious to quit having to go to the infusion ctr everyday to get those meds. They are so strong and really mess with my stomach. It is hard when you have your appetite back and can't really eat much. I usually can eat by 2:00 in the afternoon. And when we do order out it is half of what I can eat. But today I successfully ate an entire jr. bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's. Sorry Dr Le, I know that was not lean protein!
My routine is to go get infused and then I come home and rest because they upset my stomach. I rested for 4 hours today! I guess my body needs the sleep but really! In my world that is unheard of! There would be too many things to do around the house! So you know I have slowed down to heal now.
Got out after dinner and walked up and down the street. Felt good to get out and walk. I am going to start practicing at the hospital in the stairwell on steps. I really need to build my strength up there.
Not much else happening here. I see Dr Le Thursday morning and Dr O that evening. Hoping to start chemo next week again.

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