Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years and greetings from Schneck Medical Center! Tuesday I came in for my hernia repair and they could not do it lapriscopically. There was too much scar tissue from the last surgery. I knew the minute I woke up they had to go in. So the surgery took a bit longer than expected, but went very well. The first couple of days have been more painful than the last. I have gotten off of oxygen, my IV and now we are pretty much just waiting for me to move my bowels before I can leave. I am hoping this happens in the afternoon tomorrow. But if I have to stay one more day, I have to. I would much rather be in the comfort of my own home, but we don't always get what we want, but we do get what we need. It has been nice to have Pastor Aaron come see me and pray with me as well as Deacon Mike. And dad of course has brought me communion.

Dennis brought Claire in today and I just wanted to eat her up! She looked as though she had grown so much in the past few days! I miss them both so much! But I am sure Dennis is getting prepared for my whining and wanting this and that! I don't make a good sick person. I think I either ask for too much, or don't ask for enough. Though I have to say the best part of the hospital is the warm blankets! Now those are nice.
I don't really make New Years resolutions. I don't really see the point in them. Why put so much pressure on yourself to do something, when you should probably have been doing it all along! Ha! I guess I do want to exercise as soon as my hernia is healed, but that is something I should do anyway.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and stay warm!

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