Saturday, December 5, 2009

I hope your weekend is going well. Claire decided to get up a couple times last night. Dennis got up with her then. Then she decided to get up at 6 this morning and not go back to bed! I can see alot of coffee in my future this morning! Going to meet the caseworker girls at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It is always so nice to see everyone and to catch up. Plus eat yummy food!

I went and had blood work done yesterday. The nurse I saw is not the nurse that does my blood work usually. She had a hard time accessing my port and it is a bit sore today. She gave me my yummy contrast to start drinking for my scan on Monday. It was nice I didn't have to make an additional trip to the hospital.

This week has been one full of good things. The best thing was Claire is beginning to potty train. Her teacher at school decided it was time and I agreed. She went to potty at school one day. And then yesterday she pooped in the potty here. She certainly is not afraid of it. This morning she told me she needed to go potty. we went in there and she tried. Of course as soon as she stood up as I was going to get a diaper, she peed near the toilet, but not on it! That is OK. at least it was in the bathroom!! Easier to clean up! I know this will just take time and patience. We went out to eat last night and Claire ate like such a big girl! It was so cute, we were eating chips and salsa and she had to dip her chip in the salsa too! I got teary eyed just watching how far she has come. Believe me, for her to eat on her own is a big deal.

Hoping to get alot of Christmas shopping done this week and hopefully be done with most of it! Doing alot of my baking next Sunday, so that will be done.

Enjoy your week and its many blessings!

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