Friday, October 23, 2009

I hope everyone has had a good week. I am just glad it is Friday. Been a little weepy this week. For one it is still really hard for me not to be able to pick Claire up. I feel I can't take her anywhere like the park or playground. If she was to get hurt, I couldn't pick her up. So I am about over this hernia. I guess I am a worry wart too. I know that Dr O told me back in May my nodes were shrunk back to what they call "normal " size, but I am really nervous anticipating this scan in December. I am also leery of getting my port out so soon. I am sure once I get the results of the scan and know that things are OK, I will be more comfortable getting the port out.
I posted on FB that I didn't care for the phrase," God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle." I feel he gives us more than we can handle so that it pushes us to be better servants, and in the end receive unexpected blessings. I got alot of private emails about this. All good. It is interesting peoples opinion about this phrase. Do I think my cancer was an unexpected blessing. The cancer itself, NO. The many blessings I have received because of the cancer, YES. I have met so many amazing people and have gained so many new friends from this. Even people in stores have stopped me and have talked to me about their journeys. This is what amazes me the most. They must look at my fabulous hair style and know I have battled cancer! ha!
I guess I am so anxious to start exercising and getting into great shape. I am ready to get on with my life. I feel this hernia is holding me back somewhat. I can walk, but I want to Zumba! Ha!
I want to thank everyone for their prayers for my sister Beth. She had bunion surgery today. All went well. She still needs prayers as she recovers.
Looking forward to lunch at Batar tomorrow with my old caseworker friends. And let me tell you, they are OLD! Ha! I should say caseworkers that I used to work with! There! Sorry Becky and Linda, since I know you read this!

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