Friday, October 30, 2009

I just posted an article that my sister read in Redbook. She read the article and thought of me. I read it and just cried! It was so me. There were a few differences, but I sure could relate to the article and what she went through. Enjoy!

Cancer Crisis: Surviving Lymphoma at 24

Cancer Crisis: Surviving Lymphoma at 24

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Our weekend was good. Saturday I met some friends at Batar for lunch. I worked with them when I was a caseworker for the state. Some of them still do casework. God bless them! ha!
Dennis and I ran up to Columbus Saturday evening to get Claire a Halloween costume. We went to WM the night before and had found one, but we were not that happy with it. We like the one from Target best.
Sunday was the usual church and then home for naps. Pretty much in that order once again.
Friday I went up to the hospital for a bit while my sister Beth Anne had bunion surgery. She went to Dr Warren today and got a boot to wear. They said she is healing really well and were very happy with that. Let's see if she can just stay off her foot for another week and a half. Please keep her in your prayers for a safe healing.
Also please keep the Regina Maschino family in your prayers. Regina lost her battle with cancer Saturday. We used to attend church with them at St Joes. Very nice family. I just get so worked up anytime someone dies of cancer. Especially when I know them. It just breaks my heart. It also makes me feel so guilty. Why do they have to die and I am alive. Sometimes it is hard to deal with. The not understanding of it all.
Looking forward to a week with no appointments at all!

Friday, October 23, 2009

I hope everyone has had a good week. I am just glad it is Friday. Been a little weepy this week. For one it is still really hard for me not to be able to pick Claire up. I feel I can't take her anywhere like the park or playground. If she was to get hurt, I couldn't pick her up. So I am about over this hernia. I guess I am a worry wart too. I know that Dr O told me back in May my nodes were shrunk back to what they call "normal " size, but I am really nervous anticipating this scan in December. I am also leery of getting my port out so soon. I am sure once I get the results of the scan and know that things are OK, I will be more comfortable getting the port out.
I posted on FB that I didn't care for the phrase," God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle." I feel he gives us more than we can handle so that it pushes us to be better servants, and in the end receive unexpected blessings. I got alot of private emails about this. All good. It is interesting peoples opinion about this phrase. Do I think my cancer was an unexpected blessing. The cancer itself, NO. The many blessings I have received because of the cancer, YES. I have met so many amazing people and have gained so many new friends from this. Even people in stores have stopped me and have talked to me about their journeys. This is what amazes me the most. They must look at my fabulous hair style and know I have battled cancer! ha!
I guess I am so anxious to start exercising and getting into great shape. I am ready to get on with my life. I feel this hernia is holding me back somewhat. I can walk, but I want to Zumba! Ha!
I want to thank everyone for their prayers for my sister Beth. She had bunion surgery today. All went well. She still needs prayers as she recovers.
Looking forward to lunch at Batar tomorrow with my old caseworker friends. And let me tell you, they are OLD! Ha! I should say caseworkers that I used to work with! There! Sorry Becky and Linda, since I know you read this!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Our weekend was good. Beth Anne and I had a successful trip to Columbus Friday afternoon/night. Bought a few new clothes. Thank you Katie for watching Claire Bear.
Saturday was nice. Dennis and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary by going to Madison. We had dinner at the Key West Shrimp House. It was very good. Thank you Beth Anne for watching our Active Ms Claire!
Sunday was church, breakfast, and naps in that order. Dennis was sweet and made a delicious dinner. He made stuffed pork chops with "real" mashed potatoes, corn, and shrimp cocktail. Very good. I said I knew there was a reason I married him! I have been so blessed to have him. With all I have put him through this year, he decided to stick with me! Ha!
Today I had an appt with Dr O my oncologist. I have a CT scan in December to see where things stand. She is talking about having Dr Le take out my port while he is repairing my hernia. She agreed that the longer I wait to have my hernia repaired the better. She said I probably don't realize how hard this year has been on me physically. She is probably right. Though some days I would have to agree that it has taken its toll. She was happy my weight was up a bit. I don't get it. Here is a lady who maybe weighs 100 pounds soaking wet, and she is worried about my weight. I am eating. I really am! Yesterday at breakfast I had a ham,cheese, and mushroom omelet along with 2 pieces of toast and 4 pieces of bacon! I was a piggy! And I am (usually) watching what I eat. Oh well. I understand with my rapid weight loss the concern I guess.
Looks to be a decent week.
Blessings and enjoy!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our weekend was good. Friday of course was rainy, but I don't mind the rain most days. Saturday we spent the day at Hubers Orchard and Winery. The Schultz family, Katie and Brett, my mom, and Mark's mom Gloria came along. We had a great time and the weather was absolutely wonderful! The pumpkin patch was a bit muddy, but that is OK.
Sunday we had church and then out to lunch afterwards. Then home for naps!
Father Scott in on a retreat so we have a visiting priest. He gave such a good sermon today. He was saying how hard it is in this world to not own things and want to own things. As long as they don't own us. As long as the material things don't possess us. I was thinking about my cancer. I was thinking about how I have never wanted it to own me. I always wanted control of it. But to be honest, I don't know if that is possible. "They" say that a large percentage of your recovery is attitude. Is this really true? If that was really true, don't you think that there would be more people in remission and not dying of cancer? Sometimes you just have to accept God's will. And that is not always our will. I still think often that my cancer will return and that is what scares me the most. I think the further I get into remission, I am hoping this fear goes away.
Time magazine did an article on faith and healing. I think it was done this year. I did not get a chance to read it, but thought it would be interesting to read.
Tomorrow Beth Anne is going with me to take Claire to a follow up ENT appt at Riley. I really do like Riley, I just get tired of having to drive up there. She is due for an eye appt and a Developmental Pediatric DR visit too. Guess I may as well make those while I am there tomorrow. There is an eye Dr in Columbus that would see her, but he is not covered by our insurance. So that blows that!
Week looks good, but cooler. Tomorrow night I am meeting some friends at Tumbleweeds for a post chemo dinner.
Blessings on your week!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend was fabulous. Started out Thursday having a parent/teacher conference at Jackson for Claire. A few weeks ago she got put in time out at school. Angie her teacher was saying how hard it was to put her in time out. But she wasn't working like she was suppose to. Angie said she worked hard once she got out. I had to put her in time out the other day and she was none too happy with mommy. Oh well. Won't be the first and won't be the last time that is for sure. Anyway, they are very happy with her progress at school. Working on counting to ten. They are only suppose to work up to number 3, but since she is doing so well they are going farther. We are very blessed to have such a cognitive daughter. She is kinda cute too! Ha!
We went down to the Oktoberfest for lunch that day. Met up with parents and my aunt Rita who is town for a month. Always good to see her. I don't think my body has had so much grease in it for a long time. My appetite was back with a vengeance too. What a weekend for that! By Saturday I was over all of the food.
Friday night we went and listened to my brother Mike and the This Old Guitar band. It was inside the store so it was nice and warm! Good time had by all.
Like I said, by Saturday we were over the Oktoberfest. We decided to have lunch at Larrisons. Dennis and I weren't that hungry. We had attended the pancake breakfast for Reins to Recovery at Applebees that morning. Saturday we walked in the parade for RTR. Claire got to ride Ginger from Koveners to the library. They had 5 kiddos they had to switch on and off. Of course Claire hammed it up and was waving to everyone.
Sunday was a day of relaxation. We went to church and then out to eat, then home for naps. Dennis put the flannel sheets on the bed the other night and it makes it hard to get out in the mornings when it has been chilly.
Saturday we are planning on going to Hubers. We always go and get our pumpkins there.
Enjoy your week.